
ISO 9001 and 14001

After hard work, we are now at the finish line and we have received our ISO Certificates for 9001 and 14001, something we are proud of.

Lars Rosell, CEO Vilokan ADF Solutions is nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year!

Ernst & Young selects the year’s most successful entrepreneur in the world, EY Entrepreneur Of The Year and Lars Rosell founder and co-owner of Vilokan Group is now one of the 10 candidates in the regional final in Western Sweden. The regional final is decided in November 5:th. Reed more here. Just being nominated for this prestigious award together…

Trudeau Int’l Invests in Deicing Services and Glycol Recycling Facilities

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World Leading Facility at Montreal – Trudeau Airport

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Glycol Recycling at Montreal Trudeau Airport

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Vilokan Signs Contract with Swedavia Swedish Airports

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"Previously 10,000 tons was disposed of. Now the glycol can be recycled instead!"

Swedish airport operator Swedavia, with 37.6 million passengers, is a leading player when it comes to environmental issues Vilokan now closes the cycle so that Swedavia can recycle and reuse valuable glycol.

"We are now global leaders in glycol recycling"

Montreal Pierre Trudeau Airport (YUL) has invested approx. 10 million CAD (approx. 65 million SEK) in a facility from Vilokan ADF Solutions. It will be operated by AeroMag 2000, who take care of the de-icing onsite.