New technology from Vilokan Recycling Tech- EnvoVap F-MVR

“We are launching the latest addition to our VRT family, EnvoVap F-MVR. This is an evaporation system for large flows, from 2 m3/h to 200 m3/h or more, yet with a very low energy consumption. – This will open up a number of very interesting new cooperation opportunities because the new EnvoVap F-MVR technology is able to handle and purify very large flows while being economically very competitive,” said Johan Brandberg at Vilokan Recycling Tech AB.

The main flow from an EnvoVap F-MVR consists of purified water. The purified water can either be reused (no-discharge closed loop) or, once treated, be discharged into the sewer system. F-MVR or mechanical vapour recompression (also known as mechanical vapour compression or MVC) is a technology in which vapour is compressed in a blower to a higher temperature and pressure. The compressed vapour is then used as a source of energy and this is the reason F-MVR technology involves very low energy consumption.

“Our imagination is almost the only limit to the potential uses of the EnvoVap F-MVR evaporation programme. Examples of industries that face tough challenges due to large discharge volumes include mine drainage water, leachate, the metal industry, the pharmaceuticals industry, the foodstuffs industry, dewatering and concentration of raw material, to name a few. We are very excited to be able to offer this technology to industry sectors with these requirements and to see where this takes us as a company and as a group. After all, our motto is: “For the environment, for the economy and for a sustainable future”, said Johan, smiling at the prospect.

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